TIGER STYLE RECORDS                     149 Wooster St.
*******************                     4th Floor
                                        New York , NY 10012

                                2004    401 Broadway
                                        26th Floor
                                        New York City
                                        NY 10013

                                        tel. : 212 777 8056
                                        fax. : 212 777 8059


Exist  : 1999-2004
Distr. : UK - Cargo
              Shellshock        (2003)
         US - Alternative Distr.Alliance
Style  : indie / 60's psychadelia / punk / emo / hardcore / experimental /
         post rock / leftfield / IDM / synth pop / electro / downtempo /
         jazz dance / lo-fi / noise / stoner / neofolk / slowcore / shoegaze

TS      001     THE LETTER E            The Letter E                    CDEP      .1997

        1       On the Corner
        2       Number 2
        3       Goodbye
        4       Bess in Beijing
TS      002     THE LILYS/ASPERA AD ASTRA                               LP.CD     .1999

A.      1       Lilys                   Elsa                    3:58
        2       Lilys                   Coby                    5:04
        3       Lilys                   Timber                  3:38
        4       Lilys                   Hymn                    5:32
B.      5       Aspera                  Good Beat Down          3:52
        6       Aspera                  Bring Back the Walls    5:53
        7       Aspera                  Feed the Fantasy        4:09
        8       Aspera                  Tin Pan Miracles        5:16
TS      003     THE MERCURY PROGRAM : From The Vapour Of Gasoline       LP.CD   06.2000

        A1      The Sea Is in Here                              4:11
        A2      Re-Inventing a Challenge for Machines           4:37
        A3      Leaving Capitol City for Good                   5:00
        A4      Nazca Lines of Peru                             4:29
        A5      Every Particle of the Atmosphere                3:39
        B1      From the Vapor of Gasoline                      4:56
        B2      Fastest Way Through the South                   3:23
        B3      Down on Your Old Lung                           5:18
        B4      The Vortex East                                 4:00
CD +    10      Highways Like Veins                             3:51
TS      004     LIBRANESS               Yesterday And Tomorrow          LP.CD   09.2000

A.      1       Intro                                           1:39
        2       Face on Backwards                               2:11
        3       You Are My Foreign Film                         3:59
        4       Toy Planetarium                                 3:24
        5       No Separation                                   5:07
        6       The Memory                                      2:55
        7       Richard Petty                                   1:58
B.      8       Hit the Horizon                                 3:14
        9       Grief Mechanism                                 2:47
        10      Deformed Bridges                                4:26
        11      Paper Raft                                      2:22
        12      Totempole                                       2:26
        13      24 Hrs.                                         3:11
        14      New and Old Clouds                              1:20
                (Note : ex.Polvo member Ash Bowie)
TS      005     I D A                   Will You Find Me                LP.CD   08.2000

A.      1       Down on Your Back                               4:21
        2       Maybelle                                        6:45
        3       This Water                                      3:36
        4       Shrug                                           5:18
        5       The Radiator                                    2:04
        6       Shotgun                                         4:31
B.      7       Turn Me On                                      5:21
        8       Man in Mind                                     3:43
        9       Past the Past                                   4:37
        10      Georgia                                         3:10
        11      Triptych                                        3:13
        12      Firefly                                         2:39
        13      Encantada                                       3:36
        14      Don't Get Sad                                   4:27
TS      006     V / A : Tiger Style Records Winter 2000 / Spring 2001   CD        .2000
                Enhanced CD Sampler

        1       Tristeza                Are We People           4:09
        2       Ida                     Past the Past           3:17
        3       her space holiday       The Doctor and the DJ   4:29
        4       Libraness               Face On Backwards       2:15
        5       Album Leaf              Asleep                  5:10
        6       Mercury Program         The Sea Is in Here      4:13
        7       Letter E                Isabella                3:19
TS      007     HER SPACE HOLIDAY       Home Is Where You Hang Yourself 2CD       .2000

CD 1    1.1     Home Is Where You Hang Yourself                 4:02
        1.2     Snake Charmer                                   4:12
        1.3     Through the Eyes of a Child                     3:12
        1.4     A Matter of Trust                               4:00
        1.5     The Doctor and the DJ                           4:26
        1.6     Sleeping Pills                                  3:28
        1.7     Famous to Me                                    4:13
        1.8     Can You Blame Me                                4:10
        1.9     Sugar Water                                     4:35
        1.10    Homecoming                                      4:19

CD 2    2.1 Misery Loves Company (Space Is Easy Mix)            3:31
        2.2 Aspera Ad Astra - Godspeed (Freedom Fighter's Mix)  4:32
        2.3 Bright Eyes - Contrast and Compare (Making Words
            Work Mix)                                           4:53
        2.4 Novasonic Down Hyperspace - Sounds Just Like an
            Ocean (Ocean Floored Mix)                           3:22
        2.5 Micromars - Smile Decoy (To Mars and Back Mix)      4:41
        2.6 Mahogany - Singing Arc Lamp (Natural Satellites Mix)3:52
        2.7 Duster - And Things Are Mostly Ghosts (Version
            Overdose Mix)                                       3:58
        2.8 Famous to Me (Hurtful Kid Mix)                      4:25
TS      008     TRISTEZA                Are We People                   7"        .2000

        A       Are We People
        B       When Morning Steals the Sky
TS      009     LETTER E                No 5 Long Player                LP.CD   09.2000

A.      1       Alushta
        2       Better Days
        3       Plains
        4       Mary Bahtyarli
B.      5       Events
        6       Isabella
        7       Block and Tackle
                (Note : ex.June Of 44)
TS      010     TRISTEZA                Dream Signals In Full Circles   LP.CD   09.2000

        A1      Building Peaks                                  4:51
        A2      Respirá                                         4:37
        A3      City of the Future                              5:53
        A4      Shifty Drifty                                   3:46
        A5      Auroura Borealis                                4:40
        B1      I Am a Cheetah                                  5:27
        B2      Chiaroscuro                                     6:22
        B3      Are We People                                   4:04
        B4      Opiate Slopes                                   5:37
TS      011     THE ALBUM LEAF          One Day I'll Be On Time         2LP.CD  05.2001

LP 1    A1      Gust Of...                                      5:21
        A2      The MP                                          6:20
        A3      Story Board                                     4:53
        B1      Wet The Day                                     5:24
        B2      Audio Pool                                      4:57
        B3      Hang Over                                       4:08

LP 2    C1      In Between Lines                                4:04
        C2      Last Time Here                                  4:20
        C3      Asleep                                          5:10
        D1      Sailor                                          4:36
        D2      Vermillion                                      5:42
        D3      Glimmer                                         4:44

CD      1       Gust Of...                                      5:21
        2       The MP                                          6:21
        3       Story Board                                     4:53
        4       Wet the Day                                     5:25
        5       The Audio Pool                                  4:57
        6       Hang Over                                       4:08
        7       In Between Lines                                4:04
        8       Last Time Here                                  4:21
        9       Asleep                                          4:59
        10      The Sailor                                      4:37
        11      Vermillion                                      5:42
        12      Glimmer                                         4:43
TS      012     IDA                     Braille Night                   LP.CD   07.2001

        1       Let's Go Walking                                3:59
        2       Ignatia Amara                                   2:44
        3       Arrowheads                                      3:57
        4       So Long                                         5:46
        5       Blizzard of '78                                 7:19
        6       So Worn Out                                     2:33
        7       The Braille Night                               2:04
        8       Gladiolas                                       5:44
        9       Ocean of Glass                                  4:05
        10      Moves Through the Air                           9:12
TS      013     THE MERCURY PROGRAM : All The Suits Began To Fall Off   12".CD  04.2001

        1       The Secret to Quiet                             3:58
        2       There Are Thousands Sleeping in Peace           5:51
        3       Marianas                                        7:29
        4       Undiscovered Genius of the Mississippi Delta    4:50
        5       A Delicate Answer                               8:31
                (Note : 12"/33.3 RPM)
TS      014     TRISTEZA                Mixed Signals - Remixes         2LP.CD  01.2001

        1       Shifty (Marumari Remix)                         4:08
        2       Peaks (randomNumber Remix)                      3:57
        3       Cheetah (Diagram of Suburban Chaos Remix)       5:01
        4       Drifty (Scientific American Remix)              5:07
        5       Building (Verbose Remix)                        4:26
        6       Casio (Styrofoam Remix)                         4:36
        7       Futuro (The Snodgrass Remix)                    5:18
        8       Chiaroscuro (Yellow6 Remix)                     6:26
        9       Opiate (Windy & Carl Remix)                     3:43
        10      Respira (::Lackluster:: Remix)                  4:16
        11      Are We People (Simon Raymonde Remix)            4:36
TS      015     LOW PLUS k.             Those Girls                     7.CDS   05.2001

        A       k.                      Regular Girl            3:15
        B       Low : Those Girls [a.k.a. Those Girls (Song for
                Nico)]                                          3:05
TS      016     k.                      New Problems                    CD      08.2001

        1       *
        2       Not Here
        3       Always So Good
        4       Reminder
        5       Play by the Book
        6       Hip Flask
        7       Bad Day at Black Rock (Regular Girl)
        8       Fighter Dove
        9       Telegram
        10      Knoxville
        11      Got a Feelin'
        12      Poor Dumb Bird (demo)
TS      017     HER SPACE HOLIDAY       Manic Expressive                CD      09.2001

        1       Manic Expressive [Enter]                        3:06
        2       Lydia                                           5:01
        3       The Ringing in My Ears                          4:59
        4       Polar Opposite                                  5:19
        5       Key Stroke                                      4:45
        6       Spectator Sport                                 5:41
        7       Hassle Free Harmony                             3:14
        8       Perfect on Paper                                3:37
        9       Manic Expressive [Exit]                         6:19
TS      018     THE AMERICAN ANALOG SET : Know By Heart                 LP.CD   10.2001

        A1      Punk as Fuck                                    4:09
        A2      The Only One                                    2:15
        A3      Like Foxes Through Fences                       3:37
        A4      The Postman                                     2:59
        A5      Choir Vandals                                   3:01
        A6      Gone to Earth                                   3:13
        B1      Million Young                                   3:27
        B2      The Kindness of Strangers                       3:26
        B3      Know by Heart                                   2:53
        B4      Slow Company                                    3:00
        B5      Aaron & Maria                                   3:10
        B6      We're Computerizing and We Just Don't Need You
                Anymore                                         5:51
TS      019     THE CONVOCATION OF      Pyramid Technology              LP.CD   11.2001

A.      1       Face to Face With the Beast                     4:30
        2       Crimson King's Deceit                           3:44
        3       Ramblin'                                        5:02
        4       Recognize                                       3:13
        5       Dark Stone                                      5:56
B.      6       Eternal Dreamtime                               5:14
        7       Walk Like a Panther                             4:07
        8       The Time Portal                                 4:33
        9       Unlimited Outer Thought Broadcast               7:18
TS      020     764-HERO : Nobody Knows This Is Everywhere              2LP.CD  04.2002

LP 1    A1      Oceanbound                                      3:47
        A2      Photographic Evidence                           4:03
        A3      The Long Arm of the Law                         5:01
        B1      Answers                                         5:51
        B2      Skylines                                        4:17
        B3      You Were a Party                                5:36

LP 2    C1      Satellites                                      5:14
        C2      At the Surface                                  4:02
        C3      Confetti Confessional                           6:38
        D1      Shoot a 45                                      3:31
        D2      We Don't Stand a Chance                         4:45

CD      1       Oceanbound                                      3:47
        2       Photographic Evidence                           4:03
        3       The Long Arm of the Law                         5:01
        4       Answers                                         5:51
        5       Skylines                                        4:17
        6       You Were a Party                                5:36
        7       Satellites                                      5:14
        8       At the Surface                                  4:02
        9       Confetti Confessional                           6:38
        10      Shoot a 45                                      3:31
TS      021     AMERICAN ANALOG SET : New Equation / All I Want For     7"      03.2002
TS      022     RYE COALITION           ZZ Topless / Snowjob            7"      04.2002
TS      023     RYE COALITION           On Top                          LP.CD   04.2002

A.      1       One Daughter Hotter Than One Thousand Suns      4:48
        2       Stairway to the Free Bird on the Way to the
                Smokey Water                                    3:19
        3       Hot Strikes                                     3:59
        4       Stop Eating While I'm Smoking                   2:45
        5       Freshly Frankness                               7:05
B.      6       Vacations                                       4:31
        7       Heart of Gold, Jacket of Leather                3:19
        8       Born a Monkey in the Year of the Snake          4:24
        9       Switchblade Sister: One Tough Nun               3:15
        10      Honky, Please!                                  7:49
TS      024     HER SPACE HOLIDAY       Audio Astronomy                 CD        .2003

        1       Slow Down Smile                                 4:19
        2       Through The Eyes of a Child                     7:08
        3       Gravity Fails Us                                5:58
        4       Picture of Music                                4:47
        5       One Million Galaxies                            6:51
        6       Dreaming                                        8:44
        7       Wish List                                       2:07
        8       Indie Car                                       1:46
        9       Skyliner                                        5:02
        10      Sick at Best                                    4:13
        11      Hair Cut Short                                  2:58
        12      Crazy (Studio Version)                          3:38
TS      025     TED LEO & THE PHARMACIST / k. : Split                   7"        .2003

        A       Ted Leo and The Pharmacists : Bridges, Squares
        B       k.                      I Wouldn't Mind
TS      026     THE AMERICAN ANALOG SET : UPDATES                       12".CD    .2002

A.      1       Desert Eagle (All I Want for Christmas Mix)     3:06
        2       These Days (AmAnSet Keystroke Mix)              4:43
        3       Aaron & Maria (Her Space Holiday Mix)           3:41
        4       Know by Heart (Her Space Holiday Mix)           3:03
B.      5       The Postman (Styrofoam's Just Like the Nineties
                Never Happened Mix)                             6:19
        6       We're Computerizing and We Just Don't Need You
                Anymore (Styrofoam's Freezer Burn Mix)          8:54
TIG     60027   SPEEDKING               THE FIST AND THE LAURELS        2LP       .2002
TS      027     SPEEDKING               THE FIST AND THE LAURELS        2CD       .2002

CD 1    1.1     What Is a Mason                                 6:38
        1.2     Yi Ma                                           2:36
        1.3     Get the Dogs                                    5:17
        1.4     Put Me Up Against the Well                      1:49
        1.5     Maximum Teen Travel                             4:43
        1.6     Orphans                                         1:12
        1.7     Hearts and Flowers                              3:58
        1.8     Trans/Resistr Now                               4:40
        1.9     Millionth Monkey                                3:46
        1.10    My Goodbye                                      4:25
        1.11    Mannikin                                        6:16

CD 2    2.1     Mononucleocis                                   3:06
        2.2     Monosodium Glutemate                            5:54
        2.3     Sway                                            4:55
        2.4     Spider Veloce                                   5:03
        2.5     Develina                                        3:15
        2.6     Faker                                           3:21
        2.7     Spy King                                        2:45
        2.8     Tender Interlude                                2:20
        2.9     Wabenzi                                         6:38
        2.10    Kharis                                          3:20
        2.11    Setting the Humans on Fire                      17:17
TS      028     TARA JANE O'NEIL & DAN LITTLETON : Music For A Meteor   CD      09.2002

        1       The Ballroom                                    0:39
        2       Talking in the Kitchen
        3       Ooh La La ...                                   3:29
        4       What Was She Thinking                           4:51
        5       Feedback Annie                                  4:27
        6       Juliette                                        2:39
        7       For the Glasses Boys                            1:02
        8       Stringing a Broken Neck                         4:47
        9       The Langorous Girl                              2:02
        10      Tourettes                                       0:26
        11      The Disembodied Juliette                        5:22
        12      Sweet Neck                                      1:35
        13      Brokeneck                                       0:34
        14      Waiting for the Horse to Come Back              3:47
        15      What Was He Thinnking                           5:51
        16      Long Held Ones                                  10:31
TS      029     THE MERCURY PROGRAM     A DATA LEARN THE LANGUAGE       CD      09.2002

        1       Tequesta                                        7:38
        2       Fragile or Possibly Extinct                     7:19
        3       Slightly Drifting                               6:24
        4       Egypt                                           4:52
        5       To / From Iceland                               5:41
        6       You Yourself Are Too Serious                    5:23
        7       Gently Turned on Your Head                      4:03
        8       Sultans of El Sur                               5:46
TS      030     BROKEN SPINDLES         BROKEN SPINDLES                 CD      09.2002

        1       Videosection                                    3:56
        2       Downtown Venues                                 3:30
        3       A Dinner Party Ambience                         3:29
        4       The Love of a Foreign Film                      2:16
        5       Matte                                           5:37
        6       Empty Bottle                                    3:33
        7       The Oldest Accident                             3:04
        8       Connection in Progress                          4:00
        9       The Illness                                     2:31
        10      Gamey                                           1:28
        11      Twitching and Restless                          14:07
TS      031     LO-HI                   Say It More                     LP.CD   10.2002

A.      1       Runaround                                       2:15
        2       Follow It Down                                  2:25
        3       Three Fish                                      2:35
        4       Dig Thru                                        3:38
        5       White All Around                                4:30
        6       Say It More                                     3:39
B.      7       Lucy                                            2:39
        8       Leopard Skin                                    3:02
        9       Light Up                                        3:06
        10      Challenge                                       2:33
        11      Creature                                        2:37
        12      Little Plant                                    4:26
TS      032     WAUVENFOLD              3 FOLD                          CD      08.2002

        1       Clip                                            3:25
        2       Podunk                                          3:57
        3       Selenium Pulse                                  5:28
        4       Slightlyoutofocus                               4:48
        5       Stab                                            3:00
        6       Residual                                        2:56
        7       JiGad                                           4:22
        8       Pixel Stitched                                  3:44
        9       Eye Bulb                                        3:33
        10      Obliq Itch                                      4:03
        11      Fumble Fibre                                    3:12
        12      Foil Twitch                                     4:37
        13      Vessel                                          2:15
        14      Clip (Clopt)                                    11:06
TS      033     DEAD LOW TIDE           Dead Low TIde                   LP.CD   12.2003

A.      1       Barrel Vault                                    1:54
        2       White Flag                                      2:45
        3       Navy Buttons                                    3:51
        4       Blues Comes Easy                                1:57
        5       Ill Eagle                                       1:59
        6       Lazer Lazer Lazer Love                          4:48
B.      7       Purple, Crimson, and Lavender                   4:02
        8       Don't Mind If I Do                              3:01
        9       Sideways Machine                                2:22
        10      Shake and Slide                                 4:17
TS      034     k.                      GOLDFISH                        CD      12.2002

        1       Ballad
        2       Keep Your Eyes on The Road
        3       Everybody Knows Your Name
        4       Room
        5       None of My Business
        6       Bounty
        7       More Than Wanted
        8       Crush Mine
        9       I Am Not Willing
        10      Complete
TS      035     V / A : Tiger Style Records Artist Sampler              CD        .2003

        1       James Chance            Contort Yourself
        2       Rye Coalition           ZZ Topless
        3       The Dears               Deuxieme partie
        4       Broken Spindles         Connection in Progress
        5       764-HERO                You Were a Party
        6       Dead Low Tide           Barrel Vault
        7       Lo-Hi                   Runaround
        8       The Mercury Program     Egypt
        9       Wauvenfold              Jigad
        10      Ida                     Blizzard of 78
        11      Her Space Holiday       Slow Down Smile
        12      Tara Jane O'Neil & Daniel Littleton : The Ballroom
        13      Speedking               Yi Ma
        14      K.                      Everybody Knows Your Name
        15      Album Leaf              Lamplight
        16      American Analog Set     Punk As Fuck
        17      Tristeza                Marumari Mix
TS      036     THE JOHN & SPENCER BOOZE EXPLOSION                      CDEP    01.2003

        1       The Girls and the Dogs                          3:05
        2       Black Douleur                                   3:12
        3       Lady Bird                                       3:48
        4       Felicity                                        1:36
        5       Boxing                                          3:28
        6       Jesus                                           4:20
TS      037     JAMES CHANCE            Irresistible Impulse            4CD     02.2003

1       James White and The Blacks - The Twitch                 6:31
2       James White and The Blacks - The Twitch [mislabeled on
        cover as Sax Maniac]                                    6:31
3       James White and The Blacks - Contort Yourself (August
        Darnell Remix)                                          6:15
4       James White and The Blacks - White Devil                4:39
5       James White and The Blacks - Almost Black, Pt. 1
        (feat. Adele Bertei & Anya Phillips)                    3:19
6       James White and The Blacks - Super Bad                  8:25
7       James Chance & The Contortions - Designed to Kill       2:49
8       James Chance & The Contortions - I Don't Want to Be
        Happy                                                   3:24
9       James Chance & The Contortions - Throw Me Away          2:46
10      James Chance With the Pill Factory - That's When Your
        Heartaches Begin                                        3:28
11      The Flaming Demonics - Caravan / It Don't Mean a Thing
        / Melt Yourself Down                                    8:50
12      The Flaming Demonics - I Danced With a Zombie           9:54
TS      038     JAMES CHANCE : Christmas With Satan / The Devil Made    CDS     12.2002
                Me Do It

        1       Christmas With Satan                            9:54
        2       The Devil Made Me Do It                         8:14
TS      039     LES SAVY FAV            Yawn Yawn Yawn                  7"      02.2003

        A       Yawn, Yawn, Yawn                                2:56
        B       One Way Widow                                   3:18
TS      040     ENTRANCE : The Kingdom Of Heaven Must Be Taken By Storm CD      03.2003

        1       Valium Blues                                    5:53
        2       I'm So Glad                                     4:03
        3       The Night Was Dark                              3:11
        4       Never Afraid                                    4:59
        5       Stranded in a Clearing                          2:33
        6       Tommy Thumb's Summertime Blues                  4:36
        7       Mirror / Mantra                                 6:54
        8       I Love the Light                                2:02
        9       A Farewell to My Friends                        6:58
TS      041     PAPA M/ENTRANCE         Split                           7"      02.2003

        A       Papa M                  Orange World
        B       Entrance                See for Yourself
TS      042
TS      043     RYE COALITION           Jersey Girls                    CDEP    02.2003

        1       Communication Breakdance                        4:03
        2       Stop Eating While I'm Smoking                   2:45
        3       Speed Metal Tap Dancer                          2:59
        4       Paradise by the Marlboro Light                  3:37
        5       ZZ Topless                                      4:43
        6       Snow Job                                        4:02
        7       Break Wind and Fire                             8:14
TS      044     THE SICK LIPSTICK       Sting Sting Sting               CD      06.2003

        1       Go to Bed!                                      1:57
        2       Thigh-Master I'm Yr. Master                     3:00
        3       Sting Sting Sting                               2:55
        4       Pretend I'm Sleeping                            2:37
        5       10-4, Can You Read Me?                          2:15
        6       Mommy's at the Grocery Store                    2:33
        7       Zombie Cookie                                   2:37
        8       Knit-Stitch / Crotch Itch                       2:14
        9       Come Get Yr. Eggs                               1:37
        10      Get Up! Catch Up!                               1:57
        11      She's Got a Broken Femur                        2:14
        12      Cats Are Dangerous                              2:39
TS      045     THE APPLESEED CAST      TWO CONVERSATIONS               CD        .2003

        1       Hello Dearest Love                              4:48
        2       Hanging Marionette                              4:05
        3       Ice Heavy Branches                              3:20
        4       Losing Touching Searching                       3:55
        5       Fight Song                                      4:13
        6       Sinking                                         4:51
        7       The Page                                        2:37
        8       Innocent Vigilant Ordinary                      3:18
        9       How Life Can Turn                               3:32
        10      A Dream for Us                                  6:50
TS      046     THOSE PEABODYS          Unite Tonight                   CD      07.2003

        1       All My Friends Are Good Looking                 5:18
        2       Denim and Diamonds Forever                      5:28
        3       What's Up Turbo                                 4:33
        4       Makin' Magic                                    3:18
        5       Bleed Blue                                      2:58
        6       Komputer Musik                                  5:04
        7       Red Pants                                       3:49
        8       Bustin' Up Your Complex                         2:47
        9       River Deep, Mountain High                       4:37
        10      Unite Tonight                                   4:40
TS      047     THE AMERICAN ANALOG SET : PROMISE OF LOVE               LP      05.2003
TS      047     THE AMERICAN ANALOG SET : PROMISE OF LOVE               CD      05.2003

LP      A1      Continuous Hit Music                            4:27
        A2      Hard to Find                                    4:17
        A3      Come Home Baby Julie, Come Home                 5:53
        A4      You Own Me                                      5:05
        B1      Promise of Love                                 2:13
        B2      The Hatist                                      3:43
        B3      Fool Around                                     5:36
        B4      Modern Drummer                                  8:03

CD      1       Continuous Hit Music                            4:27
        2       Hard to Find                                    4:17
        3       Come Home Baby Julie, Come Home                 5:53
        4       You Own Me                                      5:05
        5       Promise of Love                                 2:13
        6       The Hatist                                      3:43
        7       Fool Around                                     5:36
        8       Modern Drummer                                  8:02
TS      048     LUCERO                  That Much Further West          CD      07.2004
TS      048     LUCERO                  That Much Further West          CD+CD   07.2004

CD 1    1       That Much Further West                          4:26
        2       Mine Tonight                                    4:17
        3       Sad and Lonely                                  4:37
        4       Across the River                                3:15
        5       The Only One                                    2:41
        6       Hate and Jealousy                               4:20
        7       Joining the Army                                1:16
        8       Tonight Ain't Gonna Be Good                     3:05
        9       Tears Don't Matter Much                         4:04
        10      Coming Home                                     3:26
        11      When You Decided to Leave                       3:06
        12      That Much Further West (Demo)                   3:16

                Bonus CD:
        1       That Much Further West (Instrumental)           3:16
        2       Mine Tonight (Demo)                             5:03
        3       Sad and Lonely (Demo)                           4:45
        4       Across the River (Heavy Metal Version)          2:57
        5       The Only One (Demo)                             2:57
        6       Hate and Jealousy (Acoustic)                    4:38
        7       Joining the Army (Live)                         1:21
        8       Tonight Ain't Gonna Be Good (Live)              2:41
        9       Tears Don't Matter Much (Demo)                  3:55
        10      Coming Home (Acoustic)                          5:00
        11      When You Decided to Leave (Full Band Version)   3:26
        12      That Much Further West (Reverb Remix)           4:38
TS      049     NANANG TATANG           MUKI                            CD      09.2003

        1       Bunny Hop Hop                                   4:48
        2       On Me Forever                                   4:31
        3       RU Ready?                                       1:41
        4       Wake Up Call                                    4:42
        5       Daydreaming (And I'm Thinking of U)             4:59
        6       Booster Shot                                    6:57
        7       Hitch the Knot                                  1:37
        8       Oldest News                                     5:36
        9       Getting Nowhere                                 5:15
        10      Can't Help It                                   4:47
        11      The Fullness of Time                            6:15
        12      Last Train Out                                  3:08
TS      050
TS      051     ENTRANCE                HONEY MOAN                      CDEP    10.2003

        1       Honey Moan                                      5:07
        2       Can't Stop the Winter                           2:00
        3       Lookout!                                        2:00
        4       Careless Love                                   4:37
        5       Come On in My Kitchen                           3:32
        6       Simple Song Pt. 1                               3:21
        7       Simple Song Pt. 2                               4:17
        8       Honey Drone                                     4:44
        9       Sunrise in Belfast / Sunset in Christiania      5:02
TS      052
TS      053     JAMES CHANCE            SAX EDUCATION                   2CD     05.2004

                Disc 1: The Hits
        1       Designed to Kill                                2:47
        2       Throw Me Away (Live)                            3:03
        3       Roving Eye                                      3:09
        4       Contort Yourself (August Darnell Remix)         6:15
        5       Bedroom Athlete                                 4:15
        6       Off Black                                       6:28
        7       Disco Jaded                                     6:21
        8       Sax Machine                                     4:19
        9       The Twitch                                      6:34
        10      The Devil Made Me Do It                         8:14
        11      Hypno Tease                                     5:29
        12      Contort Yourself (Original Version)             3:10

                Disc 2: Live From Radio Holland (1981)
        1       Sax Maniac                                      8:53
        2       White Cannibal                                  8:39
        3       Almost Black                                    4:39
        4       Contort Yourself                                6:13
        5       Hell on Earth                                   8:44
        6       King Heroin                                     7:17
        7       Put Me Back in My Cage                          5:29